Did you know in certain instances, multiwall pasted valve bags made with specific two-ply paper will yield a better outcome? The key word is “specific” two-ply paper. Available in the paper market are innovative two-ply multiwall sack construction papers with high strength and low weight, that when packed and stacked counter punctures and burst. Moreover, advanced lightweight, high-strength, breathable papers contribute to low dust filling and cleaner storage areas which benefit environmental conditions.
While it takes special equipment to convert high performance extensible paper with high air permeability into bags, rest assured Langston has this capability. In many cases with specially selected porous paper, perforations are unnecessary. Paper of this caliber is made for the most demanding automated valve bag packing systems.
Having the latest technology offered, a wider range of valve selections are obtainable. During our consulting process when it’s advantageous to introduce a new solution, you can count on us to offer alternatives that will contribute to improved sealing and your overall packaging goals.
What’s more, food safety further enhanced by our in-line metal detection and GFSI recognized FSSC 22000 certification pending early 2020, with the best lead-times in the industry.
For more insight download our product sheet to consider how we can offer you efficient, eco-friendly and economically-balanced solutions.